Iowa Expands its Medical Marijuana Program

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Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa passed a bill to expand the medical marijuana program. According to the recently signed bill, the patients of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Severe Autism will be able to legally access medical marijuana.

New Reforms in the Bill

According to this bill, the state has increased the THC limit to 4.5 grams in 90 days. The previously permitted amount of THC was often not effective in treating the patients. MedPharm, which runs Iowa’s CBD dispensaries, agrees to this fact.

MedPharm says that this quantity is still not enough to treat Iowans. However, they will work to bring forward more effective Cannabis derived products. They added that they will continue to push government for higher THC levels. Under this bill, the Iowans will be a to takblee medical marijuana in the form of extracts, capsules, concentrates, ointments, lotions and tinctures. However, smoking marijuana is still prohibited in the state.

Also Read: Desparate Tumor Patient Asks Kiwi Govt. to Legaliza Cannabis

MedPharm says that even though the government is towards betterment however, they will keep pushing the Iowa authorities to Expand the Medical Marijuana Program.

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Worldwide Legalization of Cannabis

Countries like Turket, Malta, Finland, England, Peru, Uganda, Malta and Poland have legalized the use of Cannabis. Moreover, 33 states of the U.S. have legalized the use of medicinal Cannabis while 11 states have also legalized the use of medical Cannabis. The recent researches that showed benefits of marijuana led to its worldwide legalization.

Cannabis has the potency to fight something as dangerous as coronavirus. It has an overall soothing effect on the nerves. Individuals with insomnia, anxiety and asthma find it a great cure for their condition.

Also Read: San Diego Launches  new Bureau to Control Cannabis Sales


The deadly Coronavirus has infected over 10 million people in the world with the number of deaths mounting half a million. Fortunately, the medicinal marijuana was found extremely useful in treating the coronavirus. It surprisingly reduced the rate of death of patients of ventilators by one third and those on supplemental oxygen by one sixth.

The increased permitted amounts of Cannabis will help the COVID-19 patients to recover speedily. The anti-inflammatory properties of marijuana are a life saver for the patients who start facing severe breathing issues. It contains components that work with the lungs to normalize breathing, Moreover, the Cannabis industry will also cater unemployement due to Coronavirus. The boost in industry will help create spaces for the unemployed.

Expansion in the Program

The allowed amounts of cannabis were hardly doing any good. The strict policy of Iowa did not permit any resident to use more than a certain amount of Cannabis, no matter how bad the conditions were. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a severe condition which leads to permanent depression. Cannabis is a very useful in treating PTSD while still in the lower stages.

While smoking weed is still prohibited in the state, the residents of Iowa will have the liberty to take cannabis derived products to improve their healthy and living.

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