Is It Commendable to Combine Cannabis and Yoga?

Credit: Layoga

Over the years yoga has played a significant role in combination with animals, music, and lights. Yoga and cannabis together pair better than you can imagine. Its combination with cannabis is non like the other. Unlike other mind-altering substances like alcohol or opiates, cannabis doesn’t close your mind off to the things that cause you pain and sadness. Indeed cannabis brings you into the present and enhances your mind-body connection.

Yoga and Cannabis together

Yoga practitioners say phrases like feel the glow of light into heart radiating love and acceptance. These phrases aid you in bringing your bodies into the phase of relaxation and peacefulness. One of the yoga teachers and cannabis user urges that he feels a more grounded and inward connection to his body when he combines yoga and cannabis. He says it feels that all the unnecessary thought and the worry to complete to-do lists turns off leaving him in immense pleasure. This relaxes him immensely and tunes his muscles and joints with each movement. All the way with legal jurisdiction this isn’t only him feeling this way.

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Advantages of yoga and cannabis

Most yoga classes in combination with cannabis are slow and help you to restore. In addition to this, it focuses less on sweating and building up muscle mass. It is a way to reignite the love for you and have a mindful experience. Typically before these classes, there is a session of marijuana for 30 minutes to leave you into deeper thoughts. Also the classes that mix yoga and cannabis suggest the minimum usage of cannabis just to produce the effect. It is never a good idea to consume a whole slice of cake and smoking a huge amount of marijuana and then entering into the class.


CBD is an excellent alternative to THC as it doesn’t make you high. Also, CBD proves to be a substitution to many medications over the counter for pain, anxiety, strokes, insomnia, and bone fractures. The cannabis industry still has a long way to go in identifying new ways to extract and derive compounds of CBD and its isolates. However, THC helps you in bringing the body together along with your mind to solidify the self-awareness that can be difficult to cater to.

People with chronic pain and medical complications are especially benefitted by using CBD or cannabidiol to make their body ready for practicing it. CBD has many therapeutic effects that result after the interaction of the body’s endocannabinoid system-majorly responsible for substances like sleep, pain, mood, and fertility.

Yoga and CBD- a perfect symbiotic relationship

There is a mirror image or you can say with the addition of CBD the advantages of yoga also increase. In many incidents, the advantages are reported. For example, yoga and CBD improve sleep whereas just the usage of CBD treats inflammation-based disorders. Yoga alone improves brain function.

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The Fundamentals of Yoga

Many practitioners believe that yoga and cannabis combination doesn’t let you experience its spirituality. Dr. William Sands, Dean of Vedic Science at Maharishi University says that it detaches you from the inner self and is incompatible with yoga. Few traditional yogis warn about the suspected addiction that can be accompanied by recreational usage.


The topic of yoga and its combination with cannabis is still a controversial topic. Their interdependence and synergy appear to have embryonic roots. For many strict yoga teachers, it is a complete physical and mental discipline that doesn’t require any external substance use. On the other hand, many yogis believe that as its experience is enhanced by the burning of candles, lights and music so is cannabis another substance to create a soothing effect.

Hina Lari: